We offer our clients a complete service and ensure a unique customer experience – with a repeat guarantee. Our concept is to provide an exclusive shopping experience through interactive communication, such as automation and data processing tools. We are able to adapt instantaneously to our clients needs and provide comprehensive pre- and post-sale support. We specialise in inbound and outbound calls, thus increasing your sales and taking measures to ensure customer satisfaction. This is how we improve customer loyalty to your company.
Customer Lifecycle Management
Customer care & support, telemarketing Inbound / outbound, E-commerce
A customer lifecycle shows the different phases your customer goes through during the purchase of your product. We use interactive touchpoints at each stage. The cycle can be compared to a journey – we turn it into an unforgettable experience. Our aim is to leave pleasant memories. We are aware how important it is to attract new customers. We don’t want to leave anybody behind on their journey. If somebody gets lost, we develop strategies to get them back on the right track and provide answers and help.
Customer value management
Customer experience measures, customer loyalty measures, customer satisfaction measures newsletter, social media, blogging
Once you understand the concept of customer journey, you will be able to understand how successful journeys are guaranteed. Our aim is to build happy and long-term relationships. In doing so, we make sure that your customers buy as quickly as possible and that they stay in your infrastructure as long as possible. We turn your customers into the most valuable resources of your company. It is essential to know who your best customers are and how to communicate with them – this creates the winning approach in today’s customer-centric economy.
Content & Translation Services
FAQ, Website translations, simplifications
Addressing the right target group is one of the most important prerequisites for sending a message to the customer and thus starting his journey. Understanding the message is essential and the correct use of language is often the deciding factor. Also relevant is the personalised service, which is easy to achieve by collecting data, markers and key points. We efficiently guide the customer to the declared goal, e.g. to purchase a product. We achieve that by using successful linguistic techniques such as the translation of websites, FAQs, etc.